调料的主料之一.分动物油、植物油、调料油几类.动物油中猪油、牛羊油、鸡油食用较多;植物油以花生油、豆油、菜籽油为主.调料油则由动物和植物油炼制而成,常见的有奶油、蚝油、糟油、菌油、黄油、辣油、蟹油、豉油、蒜油、椒油、葱油等.油类主要用于菜肴的炒、烧、煎、炸、溜、扒、汆、烩、炖、蒸、烤、汤、拌等.Spices, one of the main materials. Sub-animal fat, vegetable oil, spices oil several categories. Animal oil lard, tallow, chicken oil consumption more; vegetable oil to peanut oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil-based. Seasoning oils from animals and made of vegetable oil refining, often with cream, oyster sauce, bad oil, strain the oil, butter, spicy oil, crab oil, soy oil, Garlic Oil, pepper oil, onion oil and so on. oil is mainly used in stir-fried dishes, burning , fried, fried, slide, Pa, boil, braise, stew, steamed, roasted, soup, mix and so on.
词目:承接拼音:chéng jiē词性:动词意思:(1) ∶承前接后(2) ∶接续 ;例如承接上文(3) ∶承受;接受 例如,承接订货 承接来料加工(4) ∶应酬;交际,例如: 倾心承接称誉日闻承: 担当,应允:~担。~当。~包。~做。~认。接:承受,收取:~受。~收。~纳。~管.
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